Crossing Paths

Crossing Paths - Spring 2022

Undergraduate and Graduate Exchanges of Indigenous Research

Crossing Paths convenes six times per academic year, bringing together undergraduate and a graduate-level Native and indigenous students to present on their scholarly research or current projects.

After a long period of virtual Crossing Paths, we are excited to transition to holding hybrid and in-person events in 2022! Community members, staff, faculty, students, and families gather for an hour to hear presentations, present feedback, and engage in discussion. Crossing Paths is the only event on Berkeley's campus that offers a space for all Native and indigenous graduate and undergraduate students to engage in exchange and learning, which builds both community and builds professional skills among students and their broader networks. The event is free and open to the public.

This lecture series began in 2012 under the direction of graduate student Olivia Chilcote, and has been continued by subsequent graduate student chairs of the American Indian Graduate Student Association (AIGSA) at UC Berkeley.

Co-Sponsored by the American Indian Graduate Program, Native American Student Development, Native American Studies, The Joseph A. Myers Center for Research on Native American Issues, & The Graduate Assembly.

Spring 2022

NASD was proud to host our first in-person Crossing Paths event this February in the new Native Community Center at Anthony Hall. Graduate presenter Sierra Hampton spoke on "Sovereignty and Traditional Foods" and undergraduate Andrea Salazar presented on "Recmalation, Engagement, and Expression Through Land".

To view and hear these presentations, watch the video featured on this page!

October 2020

Our October 2020(link is external) event included presentations from Gabriel Trujillo, second-year PhD student in Integrative Biology, and Royale Pinassi, second-year undergrad student in Conservation and Resource Studies. Both presentations will engage in an exploration of the relationships between Indigenous peoples and plants.
Gabe shared an interesting talk about "The indigenous and evolutionary importance of Hahlu (Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis)" and Royale shared a talk titled "Karuk Agroecosytem Resilience Initiative: Botanical focused research and herbarium specimen administration."
We hope in our future events more people can join!