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Educational Resources
One of the Gender Equity Resource Center’s (GenEq) main goals is to provide education to the UC Berkeley campus on our 4 key areas:
Sexual harassment & sexual violence
Hate crime & bias incident reporting/response
By providing educational resources, GenEq hopes to create space to discuss topics of gender & sexuality, and to highlight the intersections of sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, racism, and gender bias & violence.
This project was developed to provide educational resources on various topics related to gender & sexuality. Resources consist of educational videos, written educational content, and corresponding 1-page tip sheets that can be downloaded for use. These educational resources will be updated as needed to provide the most up-to-date information. Each resource will be noted as to when it was last updated.
If you are interested in requesting an educational training, please complete our Workshop Request Form
The form will ask you to indicate your organization and what training topic you are interested in. The GenEq team will get back to you to schedule a 30 minute intake meeting to better understand your training needs. There are various training options GenEq provides, including:
Live training & Q+A, tailored to your department/organization needs
Recorded training, with live Q+A with GenEq team
Possibility to offer open trainings (i.e., collaborate to host trainings through your organization for broader public/university community with specific consideration for your department/organization’s community)
Here is a list of campus partners that can also provide training related to inclusive campus practices. *Note: this is not an exhaustive list of all campus partners, and not all organizations may be able to provide trainings.
p. 248-214-5361
OBI does not provide training/workshops but additional resources can be found here