WHEM: Women's History & Empowerment Month

Stay tuned for Spring 2025 Women*'s History & Empowerment Month (W*HEM)

March begins W*HEM!  This month has its roots to 1857 when women from New York City staged a protest over working conditions. From the Seneca Falls Convention to the Civil Rights movement, to Stonewall, women have played pivotal roles in powerful social movements for change. 

International Women's Day on March 8 highlights the global impact of women's contributions. Join us as we kick off Women's* History and Empowerment Month!

Past events

Check out Celebrating Women's History and Empowerment Month 2024 to learn more!

Lavender square with dark purple text down left and right side; 8 women's history  icons in center in various purple hues, GenEq logo on lower left and icon names listed on bottom of square