Night of Cultural Resistance (NoCR)
In a desire to commemorate the spirit of resistance and cross-cultural collaboration that fueled the student struggles of 1969 and 1999, Cross Cultural Student Development(link is external) (CCSD) and the Third World Liberation Front (twLF) created the Night of Cultural Resistance (NoCR), an annual tradition started sixteen years ago. Multicultural events on this campus are often notorious for being reduced to food, music and dance, without an attempt to create a cross-cultural understanding of a shared hxstory of struggle that informs multi-cultural movements for liberation and equal rights. NoCR, was created with the hope of uniting peoples of all races, cultures, nation, religions, abilities and sexual orientations through a multicultural perspective and understanding. Artists, musicians, writers, activists, students and communtiy members come together to celebrate the many hxstories, stories, traditions, and cultural and artistic expressions that together create a multicultural vision of struggle and liberation.
Every year NoCR features live performances, art making, skills sharing, food, and various other activities to celebrate our resilience and honor the ways in which communities of color continute to resist and flourish within the university. NoCR is more than a concert or a show, it is an opportunity for communities on and off campus to come together and share stories, skills and resources.
Week of Cultural Resistance (WoCR)
Aspiring to honor to the fullest, communities of color and their resistance and resilience, the Week of Cultural Resistance (WoCR) was started in 2013. In order to capture the spirit of generations of hxstory making past and present, WoCR extends NoCR into an entire week of events of celebration, creation, healing, and remembering hosted by a variety of folks from community on and off campus. From exploring the "Intersections of Womynhood and Body Image" with Phi Nu Xi to commemorating "A People's History of Music in the United States with Las Cafeteras, WoCR pays tribute to the work of grassroots organizers shaping multi-cultural movements for liberation and equal rights today.
Past WoCR/NoCRs
- 6th Annual And it Don't Stop
- 5th Annual Rythyms of Resistance
- 4th Annual BorderSpeak: Ta(l)king Us Home
- 2nd Annual Night of Cultural Resistance