
Subheader: "How is Cal Helping?"
The Menstrual Equity Project has launched!
UC Berkeley Facilities Services andthe ASUC Menstrual Equity Commission have collaborated to create The Menstrual Equity Pilot Program! This initiative expands free and accessible menstrual product dispensers across campus bathrooms!
Why is this important?
As we have established throughout this series, period products are a basic necessity for menstruators.
Pilot Project Goals
Free dispensers will be installed in high-traffic bathrooms in every active campus building.
Dispensers will be installed in three existing restrooms (gender-specific and gender-inclusive) per building across campus.
Thanks to this program, we hope that people who menstruate will be less concerned about their access to period products while on campus.
Where can I find these dispensers?
Free menstrual products can now be found at the following locations:
Dwinelle Hall
Physics Building
Social Sciences Building
Latimer Hall
Evans Hall
Stanley Hall
Anthropology & Art Practice
Sutardja Dai Hall
Etcheverry Hall
More to come!
For a full map and more information.
*we welcome all who experience life through the lens of woman in body, spirit, identity - past, present, future, and fluid