Documents and Identification
Changing your Name and/or Gender Identity
Staff/Faculty that wish to update their documented name and/or gender identity must first update their California and federal identity documents. For further information on how to do so, please use the following instructions as described by ID Please. Once you have done so, contact your HR Manager for next steps.
ID Please:
This comprehensive publication is a guide for navigating processes of updating California and federal identity documents to reflect accurate gender markers. This timely release coincides with the recent change in California law, which simplifies the requirements for a court-ordered name change.
National Center for Transgender Equality:
State-by-State Guide and Documents
Transgender Rights in the Workplace
Transgender Resources for Employers
UC Berkeley's Plan is still in progress and will be coming soon. However, the Berkeley Lab has created a document that is serving as a template for the final Berkeley Plan. Please contact for more information.
Berkeley Lab’s Workplace Gender Transition Guidelines
Creating a Plan
Transgender Rights in the Workplace Fact Sheet
This reference sheet created by The Department of Fair Employment and Housing gives general information on gender transition within the workplace for employers, as well as information of who to contact if you feel that you have been a victim of discrimination in the workplace.
Transgender Rights in the Workplace Fact Sheet
Transgender Resources for Employees
Gender Recognition Act Fact Sheet
SB 179, the Gender Recognition Act of 2017 will enable transgender, intersex and nonbinary people to obtain state-issued identity documents that accurately reflect their gender identity, making California the first state to not require people to officially identify as “male” or “female.” The bill creates a third, nonbinary gender marker on California birth certificates, drivers’ licenses, identity cards and gender-change court orders, in addition to streamlining the processes for a person to change their gender marker and name on these identifying documents.
SB 179 at Berkeley
The California Senate Bill 179 officially went into affect on January 1, 2019. UC Berkeley's SB 179 Committee's charge is to develop implementation plans that align the UC Berkeley campus with the spirit of the Gender Recognition Act. Please use the following link for more information about SB 179 at UC Berkeley.
Health & Insurance
Benefits for trans faculty/staff
The University of California’s comprehensive medical benefits encompass the broad needs of our diverse workforce to keep our employees, retirees and their family members healthy. Nearly all of UC’s medical plans offer benefits for transgender health as highlighted in this fact sheet. This fact sheet does not offer a guarantee of coverage. Check the medical plan’s booklet for details regarding eligibility for transgender health benefits and covered/exclusive care. All services require preauthorization and/or may require member to follow plan guidelines in obtaining services to ensure services are covered.
Recreational Sports Facility (RSF)–Universal Locker Room
The Recreational Sports Facility has opened its Universal Locker Room in order to better serve members with disabilities, members of all gender identities, and any who wish for privacy for any number of reasons. Made possible by a grant from the Wellness Fund and in collaboration with campus partners including the Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq) and ASUC, the universal locker room will help eliminate barriers to recreation for our members and promote inclusivity and accessibility for all.
Academic Life: Classrooms, Teaching, etc.
At UC Berkeley we strive to make all spaces inclusive and welcoming to all members of the Cal community. Faculty, Graduate Student Instructors and all other teaching staff have a particular responsibility in creating learning environments where students bring their full selves into a classroom thus allowing them to stretch to their fullest academic potential.
The Gender Equity Resource Center has created a page for creating inclusive classrooms and groups. Please follow
Student Groups
A vast majorty of queer orgs are trans-inclusive and these can be found by following this link or through the CalLink website.
Go to CalLink to find more orgs and events for trans people at Cal by entering “transgender” or “LGBTQ” into the search bar. Below are some examples of active organizations on campus that directly serve transgender students. If you are looking for a group that is not listed, please contact us at If your group is not listed, please contact us at Please note that we are only able to update this website periodically, so it may take some time before your group is listed.